What's Inside

What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Embrace Different!

In grade school I remember a teacher marking more then a few math problems as wrong, even though I had the right answer.  The reason the teacher gave me was that how I figured out the answer was different then his.  Apparently he was unable to grasp the concept that there is more then one way to arrive at the right answer and was unwilling to accept any way but his.

Different is neither bad or good, right or wrong, it's simply "different".

Far from town with a house made of mud and the main activity is listening to music and spinning wool.  Far different from life in North America and yet it works and there is a calm here that felt good.

Each of has a choice to be ourselves even if we're different then those around us and we have the choice of recognizing "different" for what it is.  The fun part of taking the risk of being different (really being who you feel comfortable being) and accepting "different" in others, the world becomes more colorful. 

Derek Sivers: Weird, or Just Different

Please, before judging someone or something because it's different, embrace the difference and get to know the person or that "something".  It'll be a fun time if you do.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker


  1. "You are all different!"
    "We are all different!"
    "No, no...you area all individuals!"
    "We are all individuals!"
    "I'm not."

    - "Life of Brian"
