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Monday, January 25, 2016

Decisions, Decisions

If you come to a fork in the road, take it. - Yogi Berra

Some decisions give amazing results that wouldn't have occurred by chance.  This is where a fork in the road led.

You're nervous.  It's time to make a decision and there are several choices that all look good.  Which one do you choose and will it be the "right" one?  "Sir, have you made a decision on what you want to eat?"

Each day we make decisions that will have and effect on our lives.  For many, the need to make a conscious decision will cause them to "freeze" over something as simple as choosing a menu item in a restaurant they've never been to.  All too often the easy way out is to not make a decision and give that control to someone else.  Choosing what they choose or having them make the decision for you.  Why?  Because it's easier to criticize the decision someone else made if things go wrong then take responsibility for our decision.  The price you pay is giving up control.

One of my favorite authors, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones believed that decision making should be as easy as breathing.  When asked how to make a decision his response was "Make it.  Don't wait until you can make the right decision.  Make a decision and make it right; you have your whole life to do it in."

The best part of making decisions for yourself is you are now in control and the experience you'll gain will make decision making easier.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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