What's Inside

What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

Please leave comments and feel free to share your own thoughts and musings.

Friday, January 29, 2016

It's A Small World After All

I apologize if the tune from the Disney ride gets stuck playing in your head, however the words do ring true.

The World is small!

Over the years I've met people I know who happened to be traveling to the same destination that I was.  I've also met strangers while traveling who happened to know the same people that I do.  Both are interesting as the chance of meeting someone you know or someone who knows someone you know while traveling seems small.

My most recent encounter is also the most "improbable" I've had to date.  So here we go...

While riding in Baja, Mexico with some friends during November 2015 I met Mirko from Serbia in the city of La Paz.  We happened to be staying at the same place and motorcyclists, regardless of where they're from are attracted to each other.  Mirko was riding through Mexico, on his way to Los Angeles before heading home and we were on our way back to San Diego before heading back to Canada.

La Paz, Baja Mexico

Not thinking too much of the encounter, our group headed to dinner and then off to sleep before an early morning exit to avoid the La Paz traffic.  Later the next day, I was stopped at a Pemex station for gas when Mirko rode in to fill up.  The first thing he did was come up to me and ask if I knew Sky?  I was surprised as I did know Sky.  I'd met Sky in August while riding in Utah with Great Southwest Moto Adventures and we became friends.  Sky lives in Las Vegas and is originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Sky and Mirko are friends and Sky knew I was in Mexico and let Mirko know what my motorcycle looked like.

My friend Mirko is on the right.

My friend Sky having fun in Utah.

This chance encounter still seems miraculous to me.  However I'm also a believer in what my friend Sky says.  "Good people fined each other".

The best part of any adventure is meeting people and it's very special when the person you meet for the first time happens to know someone you do.  The world is small and the people we meet are more connected to us then we realize.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Choose Your Own Adventure - Encourage Others On Theirs

“It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” 

Along the way you'll meet many people who will give you advice and tell you what "adventure" is and that you're not truly on an adventure.  You may be compelled to do the same.

Sometimes the path of two people intersect and new friendships re formed.  More on this story tomorrow.

Each person has a path they are on and their own dream of adventure.  That path may be the same as yours or it may be quite different.  You might consider theirs crazy and impossible and someone else may say the same of yours.

Seek out those who will encourage you on your adventure, however be prepared to be alone on your path.  At the same time be someone who encourages others on their adventure.  Seeing that person light up and gain energy from your encouragement will make your day and increase your energy as well.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Keep Dreaming!

The best adventures come from dreams.  Dreams about a far away place, dreams of achieving a goal or learn learning something new.  Sure achieving a dream requires energy and action, however everything starts with the DREAM.

My dream of a South American Adventure came true in 2014.  The citadel of Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate on the Inca Trail.

Dreaming requires time and allowing yourself to jump out of reality.  Some will say "why waste the time and energy on something that can't be done?"  My answer is simple, "because it's fun and no different then losing yourself in a good book or movie."

The best things come from dreams so keep dreaming and have fun with it.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Do You Want Adventure? Travel!

Do you want adventure?  I'm going to assume your answer was "YES" because you're reading this so here we go.

Travel is adventure and it will change who you are without you trying.  Over the years I've had the opportunity to travel and so far my experiences have taught me more about myself and others then any book or class could.

Saturday night in the main square in Peru's second largest city, Arequipa.  I never expected to see a car show / cruise-in but that's I found.

In contrast, this is what life is like in rural Peru.

Travel will change your perception of reality.  It's that simple.

Writer Aldus Huxley wrote -  “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”  The same can be said for parts of your own country that you've never been.

I had heard many negative things about New York City and had little desire to visit the city.  After visiting there in 2015, my perception was changed and I will be heading back for a longer visit in 2016.  

My favorite quote on adventure and travel comes from Mark Jenkins.

Perception is our interpretation of realty.  It is influenced by our experiences, upbringing, what we read, what we hear and what others tell us.  If we stay in our own small corner of the world, our perception of reality can be distorted, dispassionate and cold.  By traveling to new places, even within our own country, we will grow and will see our world and others differently.  Travel may confirm you’re perception or change it.   The world does have it's ugly side and yet beauty can be found in every corner.  Be bold, get out of your comfort zone and see the world on your own terms.  Your perception of the world will become your own and not the views of someone else.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Monday, January 25, 2016

Decisions, Decisions

If you come to a fork in the road, take it. - Yogi Berra

Some decisions give amazing results that wouldn't have occurred by chance.  This is where a fork in the road led.

You're nervous.  It's time to make a decision and there are several choices that all look good.  Which one do you choose and will it be the "right" one?  "Sir, have you made a decision on what you want to eat?"

Each day we make decisions that will have and effect on our lives.  For many, the need to make a conscious decision will cause them to "freeze" over something as simple as choosing a menu item in a restaurant they've never been to.  All too often the easy way out is to not make a decision and give that control to someone else.  Choosing what they choose or having them make the decision for you.  Why?  Because it's easier to criticize the decision someone else made if things go wrong then take responsibility for our decision.  The price you pay is giving up control.

One of my favorite authors, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones believed that decision making should be as easy as breathing.  When asked how to make a decision his response was "Make it.  Don't wait until you can make the right decision.  Make a decision and make it right; you have your whole life to do it in."

The best part of making decisions for yourself is you are now in control and the experience you'll gain will make decision making easier.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Friday, January 22, 2016

Be Hungry!

Passion does not produce commitment.
Commitment produces passion.
– Roy H. Williams

I've used this quote by Mr. Williams, a marketing "Wizard", to keep me motivated for a number of years.  Committing to achieving anything is key as hard work and a lot of time is needed to achieve the best.  There will be times where the path to what you want will be hard or boring (which can be worse).  Complete commitment and a good plan will get you through those hard and boring times while passion is a product of "surviving" those times.

Be hungry and commit!

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What I Would Tell My Younger Self

If I could go back and spend some time with my younger self there are a few things I would ask him to do.  Some of this may sound like I have regrets, however it's more of a reminder to continue to go after what I want and to encourage those I know, especially the next generation to pursue their dreams and that that there will be more dreams to follow as time goes on.

Spend time with your grandparents and your parents.  They will be gone sooner then you think.

Take that year off of school and travel.  You'll learn more in that year then 4 years of collage combined.

Skip school occasionally.  You'll have to catch up, but the freedom of getting out and recharging will be more then worth it.

Learn to dance.

Take that auto mechanics class even though you're a math and computer geek.  You future self will thank you!

Forget the idea of figuring out women.  It'll never happen and only make you frustrated if you try.

Trying to "fit in" is a waste of time and energy.  Be who you are and who you want to be and the right people will come into your life.  Trust me on this one.

Most of all, continue to have fun.  You don't have a choice in growing old, however growing up is an option.

I was introduced to the following video yesterday.  It's brilliant!

How To Age Gracefully

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Be Yourself!

“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

What prompted this post was a MEM that popped up on my Facebook feed this morning.  Here it is.

My first thought and the one that I still have is "What makes a person think they're actions are better or superior to my own?".  

Then one of my favorite quotes from the past popped into my head.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." 

- Theodore Roosevelt

It's easy to be a critic, to sit back and observe others and point out what you see as shortcomings.  It's far more challenging to jump into life and live, accepting the failures and injuries (both physical and mental) that are part of the adventure.  

Perhaps the hardest part is to dig deep and discover who you are and become best friends with that person.

There will always be someone who will try to change who you are.  Remember the "issue" is with them.  

Be yourself and live your own adventure.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Keep It Simple

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

There are a few things in this world that are simple and near perfect in design, like the bicycle.  The materials that a bicycle is made from have changed over the years, making it lighter and stronger, and yet the design has changed little since it's invention.   It has wheels, a chain and sprockets, pedals and handlebars.  The bicycle is also the most efficient form of human powered transportation ever invented.

Like the bicycle, keep adventure seeking simple.  Give yourself the freedom to explore and experience things that come up that may not be part of your original plan.  Also, only take what you really need on your adventure (the same applies for a physical and mental adventure) and pick up the rest along the way.  The course of the adventure will dictate what you need.

Keep it Simple and enjoy the ride.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Monday, January 18, 2016

What Good Has Happened Today?

When I talk to people my usual opening line is "how are you doing today?" and I know I'm going to get a variation of "I'm doing good" or "I'm doing bad".

Not long ago a friend, who is a student of how we use words and questions in business, proposed asking "What Good Has Happened Today?".

This "forces" the person to stop and think what good has happened to them during the day and most find something.  If they'er in a bad mood, this can change their attitude.   In the event that they're unable to think of something good that's happened, you'll know what mood they're in and realize that it has nothing to do with you.

I'm working on making this part of my introduction and the few times I've used it, it's made the conversation so much more interesting.

Seeking adventure involves getting to know people and this is an interesting and simple way to get them to open up in a positive way.

Have fun!

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Someday" Is A Dangerous Word

“Someday" is a very dangerous word. It's a code word for "never” - Tom Cruse as Roy Miller in Knight and Day.

I'm a sucker for mindless action movies like Knight and Day.  I find them quite relaxing and a form of warped meditation.  Occasionally some words of wisdom come out of these movies and the above quote is one of them.

"Someday" is a code word for "never".  If you truly want something and want it badly enough, you'll find a way to make it happen.  If you're trading "someday" for something you really don't like, but are already doing, it's a bad trade. 

Make "someday" today, or at least put a deadline on "someday" and begin making plans before it's too late.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Friday, January 15, 2016

Real Adventure Begins When The Plan Falls Apart

Adventure can be found by doing something that places you outside of your comfort zone.  Even though activity may put you out of your comfort zone, you've probably researched and planned as much of the activity as you possibly could. 

Real adventure takes place when that plan falls apart...

This is when you'll be forced to think on your feet and most likely do something you never though you could do.

I've had a mechanical breakdown in the middle of nowhere Peru that I knew how to fix until I realized that the necessary tool wasn't in the tool kit.  There was no other choice but to improvise.

Evaluating the situation
Having a flight canceled or missing a connection is always an adventure and one that can either be a fun experience or one of frustration with attitude making the difference between the two.
The aftermath...
A more recent "real adventure" took place this past summer when I managed to get really stuck in the Utah mud, out of cell range and by myself.  Not the highlight of the trip, but the best story of the trip.
Plan for your adventure and be prepared for when the plan falls apart.  That's where real adventure is found along with experience on steroids.  You'll also find out what you're really capable of, which is much more then you realize.
Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Embrace Different!

In grade school I remember a teacher marking more then a few math problems as wrong, even though I had the right answer.  The reason the teacher gave me was that how I figured out the answer was different then his.  Apparently he was unable to grasp the concept that there is more then one way to arrive at the right answer and was unwilling to accept any way but his.

Different is neither bad or good, right or wrong, it's simply "different".

Far from town with a house made of mud and the main activity is listening to music and spinning wool.  Far different from life in North America and yet it works and there is a calm here that felt good.

Each of has a choice to be ourselves even if we're different then those around us and we have the choice of recognizing "different" for what it is.  The fun part of taking the risk of being different (really being who you feel comfortable being) and accepting "different" in others, the world becomes more colorful. 

Derek Sivers: Weird, or Just Different

Please, before judging someone or something because it's different, embrace the difference and get to know the person or that "something".  It'll be a fun time if you do.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Move Forward Already!

I'm hearing more people yearn or long for the past.  "It was better back then..."  They complain how progress is ruining society and our youth.  "We survived without computers and 3D-Movies and ..."

A modern bridge for it's time

Perhaps I'm hearing this more because it's my generation saying it, just like my parents and their generation were saying the same thing about us and our Walkmans and arcade games.

Progress is a part of life and part of adventure.  Without progress man would still be scratching pictures in rock walls striking rocks against each other to make fire.

Without progress, this would not exist

Move Forward Already or at the very move over and let those who are moving forward by.  They'll pass you anyway!

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Less Stuff - More Life

A few years ago I spent 1/3 of a year on the road, living in hotel and motel rooms.  Part was for work and the rest was chasing a BMX racing dream with my son across western Canada and the US.  I basically lived in a one bedroom suite and out of a small duffle bag and backpack for 122 days.  I had a blast!

All I needed for two weeks in South America

Not long after that I began taking long trips on my motorcycle, lasting one or two weeks at a time.  The luggage capacity of a motorcycle is limited and so only the essentials could be packed.  A smaller duffle bag and backpack, if you will.  People would tell me that I needed more and yet when I'd get home I found there were items that never came out of the bag.  I could get by very well with less.

What I learned is that most of the stuff I spent years accumulated and time working to buy and maintain, I used very little.  Since then I've been working to get rid of the stuff I don't use and only buying what I need to live and have fun.  And I'm having more fun then I've had in a long time.

By having less stuff I have more time and money to travel and explore, which is my source of adventure.

If you want more adventure, consider less stuff.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Monday, January 11, 2016

Through Someone Else's Eyes

We see the world around us through our own eyes and after a while the world we see everyday becomes "routine".  We fail to see the bird, the movement of the clouds and many other miracles of nature that occur every second of every day.  It usually takes something like a huge thunder and lightning storm to catch our attention.

A fun way to change this is to view your world through someone else's eyes.  A seeing eye person, if you will.  Find someone who's never been to your part of the world, or who has recently moved to the area.  Listen to what they say and you'll be shocked at how many things you're missing or have forgotten about.

This beautiful bridge is on a hiking trail close to where I live.  I didn't know it existed until a visitor to the area asked where it was.  Thanks to them I found a new place to hike.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Sunday, January 10, 2016

What Am I Doing?

"What Am I Doing?"  

This is a question I ask myself all the time.  

Kayaking Lessons. The area I live in looks much different from the water

On the wall, in front of my desk I have this question posted. 

“Is what i’m doing now going to help me grow?”  

If the answer is "YES" then I keep going and if it’s "NO" then I stop and move on.  This get’s me moving out of my routine and makes me look for something to do that will help me grow.  That in itself is an adventure.  That something can be learning something new, reading a book, taking a walk and really pay attention to what’s out there.  

Remember that little steps forward equal a great distance in time and time will keep marching on when we’re standing still.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Break The Rules For Adventure

Rules are in place for "safety" and in many cases someone else's view of "safety".  Limits are imposed because that's the edge of where someone believes nothing can get better.

If rules and limits were followed by everyone, much of what you use and do today wouldn't exist.  It was the risk takers and those who were willing to accept the consequences of their actions that drag society, some kicking and screaming, forward.

Seeking adventure is the same.  You must break your own rules and push your limits if you want to have an adventurous life.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Friday, January 8, 2016

It's All Been Done Before - Do It Anyway

One of my favorite books is "Travels With Charlie - In Search Of America" by Charles Steinbeck.  The book is about Steinbeck's journey around the US and his observations, both predictable and not so predictable, of what he saw and the people he met.  Steinbeck's trip took place in 1960, 4 years before I was born, and published in 1962.

The first time I read the book I found myself shocked at how little people had changed since 1960.  In 1960 there were concerns about the rapid advancement of technology, the economy, politicians, security and the direction of the United States.  If one were to change a few dates and lines in this book, it would be easy to believe that it was written last year.

Much of what we think is new or unique to our time, really isn't.  Simply pick up a book, newspaper or magazine from 50 years ago and you'll find out little has changed other than styles and our "gadgets".

Too often we rely on others to tell us what the world is like, it's beauties and dangers.  Sometimes what we hear, see or read took place years ago and things have changed for the better.  Sometimes what we hear, see or read is from the perspective of the "reporter", which will always reflect something about the them, good and bad.

Steinbeck had been writing about people from his past and those he met in his travels but felt that he'd lost touch with America and the subjects he was writing about.  This trip was his way of regaining that lost connection.  He wanted to experience places, things and most importantly people and write about those experiences.

The point of all of this is simple.  Even though most things have been done before, do them anyway.  Experience life for yourself and form your own opinions, tastes and memories.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dream Big - Go Big!

Big dreams are powerful, exciting and scary.  When I was younger I would get into trouble for not paying attention in class and for doodling on my notebook paper.  I was dreaming about travel to far off places and drawing pictures of bicycles, motorcycles and airplanes.  Not necessarily together.

Somewhere along the way those dreams faded away, being covered up by college, a career and raising a family.  Of course there were those who would say that a farm kid from Idaho would never be able to achieve those dreams...

The great thing about dreams, especially big ones, is that there still inside waiting to be let out.  Sometimes they sneak out on their own to give you a glimpse of what could be.

For me those glimpses came in the form of having the opportunity to travel to central Mexico on 2006 for an eye care mission, being asked to ride to the Sturgis motorcycle rally (a long time bucket list item) in 2011 and a friend posing a challenge that I should travel to Peru with him for 2 weeks of riding motorcycles in the Andes.  

I could have said "NO" any of these opportunities and my dreams would have been further buried. Fortunately I said "YES" and now my dreams of travel and motorcycles have been put together for what's been a fun ride so far.

Dream Big - Go Big!

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fear is THE obstacle to living!

Fear is an emotion that's in all of us.  It can be controlled and manipulated for our good or cause us great stress and limit us.


The question I ask myself all the time is "who's controlling my fear, me or someone else?"  

If it's someone else, then I'm being controlled by that someone and that someone now has all the power to manipulate my thoughts and actions.  That's scary.

That someone can be parents, friends, politicians, the media and someone you've never met.  That someone can be anyone!

If I'm in control of my fear, the power is all mine.

How do I take control of my fear?

1.  Turn off the news!  

2.  Be curious. 

"Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will." - James Stephens

3.  Just do it!  

For me this is an ongoing process and struggle.  The more I push through the easier it gets and the more I live.

Take control of your fear and enjoy the life that comes with that control.

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Adventure Will Change You!

Heading out on an adventure, any adventure, will change you.  When you return, you'll see your world a little differently and you'll have new skills and perspectives that will be useful in every aspect of your life.  Yes, even a trip to a part of your town or city will do this.

Here is one of the most insightful and entertaining presentations on adventure that I've seen.  It was given at Enjoy!

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Monday, January 4, 2016

Pay Attention All The Time!!!

“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

There is an adventure to be had every day if you pay attention to what is going on around you.  That adventure could be finding out more about someone you've just met or someone you've known for a long time.  It could be taking a different route to work or seeing what's around the next corner.

Wondering what's over the next hill or around the next corner is an adventure

The more you look for adventure, the more you'll find so be like Alice and head down the Rabbit Hole.

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Sunday, January 3, 2016

What Is Adventure?

If you believe that Adventure means climbing a mountain, jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or traveling around the world on a motorcycle, take a look at the definition of Adventure.

"An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience.  It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome." - Wikipedia

Mountain climbing, skydiving and traveling around the world on a motorcycle are only a few adventures that you can pursue.  There are so many more...

Here are a few examples that may seem trivial to many, but are adventures to the people in the story.

Example 1:

A friend of mine has a fear of flying so he went out and bought an airplane and took flying lessons.

This same person has a fear of motorcycles so he bought a motorcycle, took a riding course and now rides on a regular basis.

Example 2:

Another friend has a deep love of experiencing different cities and cultures and yet she has a fear of flying.  In the past 2 years she's taken many flights to travel to different places and has come home with more then a few amazing stories.

My two friends are living their adventure in spite of fears and misgivings.

Adventure will be different for each of us.  It should get your heart racing and keep you coming back for more.

Pick something you've always wanted to do and get to it.

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Expect Resistance From Those Around You When Seeking An Adventurous Life

“If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

A few of my friends who are also seeking adventure

When you're seeking an Adventurous Life and begin living that life, expect many around you to question your intentions and some will become angry with you.  Please realize that the problem is with them.  Your change becomes uncomfortable to them because it's unsettling their world, which you're a part of.  Jealousy will also play a roll.  Expect this and expect for it to be "uncomfortable".

Here is a promise that I can make.  While seeking an Adventurous Life you will encounter new people and make new friends who are seeking a similar life and who will encourage and help you along your path.  They will appear when you least expect them and when you need them the most.

Gerald Trees
Seeking An Adventurous Life

Friday, January 1, 2016

Set Yourself On Fire!

"Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion.  You must set yourself on FIRE!" - Arnold H. Glasgow

Living a adventurous life requires action, often in the face of fear as fear is THE obstacle we all will face. Take action, Set yourself on FIRE and watch what happens.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker