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Friday, March 4, 2016


I'll admit that I've taken an interest in the 2016 Presidential race in the United States, my home country.  I've lived the last 26 years in Canada and watching this race from north of the border, while being asked by friends in Canada what I think has been "interesting".

My interest has been less about the positions and views of the candidates and more about the "marketing" that's being done and what's "working" on the consumers (voters).

After the Republican debate last night (March 3, 2016), my advice to the voters would be to get your money back and find a set of candidates that have some self respect and who have intelligence enough to discuss and debate the issues at hand and not the size of one of the candidates hands.

The childish behavior that took place in this debate should sicken voters who should demand their candidates to show leadership, if they even have it in them.  Americans deserve more from their leaders then what they're getting now and if this is the best that are willing to step forward, Republican and Democrat, it's time for a change to the current system.

Better yet, perhaps it's time for people to step up as a whole and make their own communities better, showing the "leaders" how it's done.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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