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What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Adventure Must Be Planned

You're likely thinking "how can you plan for adventure?" or "that sounds boring".

Here's how planning adventure works.

Adventure takes place during the journey to a destination.  The destination can be a physical place on a map, a personal goal, a business venture or anything you can imagine.  Picking a destination is the first part of the plan.

The second part comes in choosing the time to begin your journey.  Pick a specific date and time as "someday" is dangerous word and usually means "never".

The third part is making sure you have what you think you'll need on your journey.  For a trip, it could be clothes, insurance, emergency numbers, and copies of you're travel documents.  For personal goals it could be a mentor or taking classes.  This part is important, however be careful as you'll never feel fully prepared.  Get the basics ready and then go.

Finally, and this is the key part.  GO!  The hardest part of any adventure is taking the first step.  That first step is also the most important part.

The view from an unplanned side trip that was part of a "planned" trip

Remember that the journey to the destination is where adventure will be found and adventure can happen even if you fall short of the destination.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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