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Monday, February 15, 2016

Self-Help Books Work, But There's A Catch

Year after year self-help books are one of the top selling book categories.  Some people are helped, while most read the book they've purchased and throw it in the bookshelf or throw it away.  Many of those who are not helped will buy another self-help book and likely another after that searching for "THE ANSWER".  That's why self-help books keep selling.

The ironic part to all of this is that most, if not all, self-help books work and give "THE ANSWER".  The reason many people keep buying these books is because they're looking for a different solution, one that doesn't exist, one that's easy.

"THE ANSWER" that's described in most, if not all, self-help books requires the reader to do three main things.

The first is to decide on what you want.  This sounds easy, however it's the most difficult part of the process and many people drop out here.

The second is to take action and move toward what you want.  This takes effort, risk and opens the person up to criticism.

The third is to be grateful for the things you have and grateful for those around you.  As easy as this sounds, it takes more thought then you realize and this is why it works.

There is no easy fix, however by working on the three things above, with the help of the information in any self-help book, the results will happen.  All it takes is effort and time.

My favorite self-help books are "How To Stop Worrying And Start Living" by Dale Carnegie, which was first published in 1944, and "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield.  Both have helped and continue to help me.

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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