What's Inside

What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Everything Costs Something!

A number of years ago a young man I knew was complaining that he was unable to find steady work in his field and that he was working several places to make a go of it.  It so happened I had been looking for someone with his training to fill a position and I offered him the position.  His salary would be higher, his cost of living lower and he'd be able to do this working on less day a week.  The only "catch" was, he'd have to move to a small city that was 2 hours away from the metropolitan area he was currently living in.  In the end he was willing to pay the price of time and unsteady work to stay where he was then pay the price (not in money) of uprooting and moving to a new community.

Personally, I get asked all the time why I drive a 16 year old car that I payed all of $1,500.00 for.  My answer is simple, I'd rather spend my money and time traveling or on my motorcycles then on something that I use only when the weather is bad.

This is what I choose to pay for

And this...

Everything costs something.  Time, money, giving up something, moving for a job, learning a new skill or doing something that's difficult to get what you really want.

The average person is unwilling to pay the price for what they want while the exceptional person will.

Which person will you be?

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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