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What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Move Forward Already!

I'm hearing more people yearn or long for the past.  "It was better back then..."  They complain how progress is ruining society and our youth.  "We survived without computers and 3D-Movies and ..."

A modern bridge for it's time

Perhaps I'm hearing this more because it's my generation saying it, just like my parents and their generation were saying the same thing about us and our Walkmans and arcade games.

Progress is a part of life and part of adventure.  Without progress man would still be scratching pictures in rock walls striking rocks against each other to make fire.

Without progress, this would not exist

Move Forward Already or at the very move over and let those who are moving forward by.  They'll pass you anyway!

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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