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What you'll find is a daily dose of musings, observations and inspiration of my path in seeking and living an adventurous life.

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Friday, January 15, 2016

Real Adventure Begins When The Plan Falls Apart

Adventure can be found by doing something that places you outside of your comfort zone.  Even though activity may put you out of your comfort zone, you've probably researched and planned as much of the activity as you possibly could. 

Real adventure takes place when that plan falls apart...

This is when you'll be forced to think on your feet and most likely do something you never though you could do.

I've had a mechanical breakdown in the middle of nowhere Peru that I knew how to fix until I realized that the necessary tool wasn't in the tool kit.  There was no other choice but to improvise.

Evaluating the situation
Having a flight canceled or missing a connection is always an adventure and one that can either be a fun experience or one of frustration with attitude making the difference between the two.
The aftermath...
A more recent "real adventure" took place this past summer when I managed to get really stuck in the Utah mud, out of cell range and by myself.  Not the highlight of the trip, but the best story of the trip.
Plan for your adventure and be prepared for when the plan falls apart.  That's where real adventure is found along with experience on steroids.  You'll also find out what you're really capable of, which is much more then you realize.
Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker

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