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Monday, October 17, 2016

Perception, Reality and Politics

I've done my best to stay out of the political mess that is the Presidential race in my home country of the USA.

I've sat back and watched the process over the past year with a large dose of cynicism, a fascination at how the actions of one of the candidates (pick one) effects "the people" directly and through the media.

I've listened to "talking heads" attempt to look intelligent in their analysis of the process and in defence of their chosen "champion".

I've seen friends of my youth take sides on social media, posting MEMS, videos and "secret" information that puts down the candidate they don't want to win in rather "unflattering" ways as "proof" that their candidate would be better.

I've been asked countless times by my Canadian friends "what's going on in your home country?" while expressing fear about what will happen after the election.  I'm thinking if Canadians are worried, the rest of the world likely is too.

 My fellow Americans we are being manipulated!

Anytime a campaign comes down to who's the least offensive, the one who's told the fewest lies and the one who's past "sins" are more acceptable, there is a problem.  Instead of focusing on what they will do for the country, both candidates and their supporters are spending all their time focusing on what the other candidate has done wrong in the past and why they're "unfit" for our nations highest position.

The perception is that they will change the "system" to help the average American.

The reality is that both have used the system to get where they are today and there is little evidence to show that will change in the future.

The perception that is being painted by both candidates is the country needs their expertise and help to strengthen America.

The reality is the power to change lies within the people of the USA and what is needed is a true leader.

The perception is that a leader is one who leads by example.

The reality is a leader is one who motivates others to rise up and meet or exceed their own expectations.

The perception is that a change or addition of laws will make things better.

The reality is that it will take individual action on the part of each one of us to make things better.

I don't have answers to the problems that exist in the world today, however I do know that my home country is far better than what the two candidates in this current presidential race represent.    Let's face it, we're stuck with the winner for the next 4 years and I hope that this "lesson" will pave the way for a process whereby the true leaders of our country will stand up and pave a way to bring the country's citizens together instead of dividing us.

Now for the "real" Talking Heads - Slippery People

Gerald Trees
Musings And Observations Of An Adventurous Life Seeker